Saturday, February 6, 2010

A WAY OUT in Rural Development

I CAN DISTINCTLY REMEMBER way back in 1993 when I used to shuttle between the village and the city, a time when we were hopping from one van or bus to another. The fares between Banjul and what one of my English teachers once wrote 'a little sleeping pastoral village' - refering to Fulabantang was D47.00 ( at least a little more than one dollar) this is about 200 kms from the main city.

It is often said that the village is usually the place where the action is, thats why village kids studying in the city will not forgive their parents if they are unable to send them to the village for holidays.

A journey that
is often dogged by series of stops and breaks, sleeping, waking up so many times and hallucinating. With the fares now pegged at D150 -(5dollars) going to the provinces as we, Gambians often call the village, is getting more and more difficult and protracted.

But thats all about to change, the bad roads that used to cause series of accidents on the south bank of The Gambia are slowly fading away going what we saw happening in that area.
The Government has come to rescue what many road users describe as unprecedented developments within the sector.

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