Saturday, September 5, 2009

Let's meet @ the Stadium

After going through a rigorous FIFA sanction test to determine their age, the super eaglets have finally jetted in Banjul as part of their preparations for the Under 17 world championship next month in Nigeria.

It is has been an exciting moment for the baby scorpions, bagging another title on top of the bigger crown they received in Algiers after winning the Under 17 championship.
Last month’s friendly against a brave and rejuvenated Senegal’s team was the first time; the baby scorpions tasted defeat after Algiers. Local commentators in the country started heaping what they call a lackluster performance by the boys in Dakar. But one thing some people fail to realized was the fact that the Senegalese team that had earlier come to Banjul put up a strong resistance and held the mighty baby scorpions to a one all draw.
Now, I believe tonight’s class with the Super eaglets could be considered one of the biggest matches for the Under 17, in fact, if anything, it is going to decide what each of the needs to do before the real championship start in October.
So meet me at the Independence Stadium for the results. What’s your predictions?

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